
Plant Spirit Ceremonialist Facilitator Training by Shamanic Energy Training

Congratulations to Sharon Bolt of Shamanic Energy Training on becoming the latest IEHA’s Global Accredited Course Provider!  Sharon has been working for over 15 years in the are of Shamanic Energy and has created her own program, Plant Spirit Ceremonialist Facilitator Training, which she is currently offering twice a year in in the UK, Australia and Bali.  Here are Sharon’s own words describing her program.

Congratulations Sharon!

Awaken to Infinite Possibilities, Magic and Mystery in a co-creation journey with Plant Spirits

Learn the art of plant spirit ceremony and shamanic space holding. Spend 7 days immersed in the world of plant spirits, developing and strengthening your relationship with your plant allies.

Learn how to create, organise and run safe, grounded, and high frequency circles and ceremonies. Identify, meet and recruit your own spirit team and learn shamanic protocols to enable you to co-create with them.

Learn the secrets of working with the Spirits of Cacao and Blue Lotus, plus psychic protection master plants; and discover how you can adapt what you learn to work with ANY plant spirit.

This transformational week will change the way you work with plant spirits for life.

We welcome space holders, healers, teachers, facilitators and ceremonialists, who wish to add shamanic and energy principles to their work, and develop an honest relationship with the Plant Spirits, the Plant Devas and their patrons.

The art of mastering ceremonial practice through solid space holding and energy principles is something that is not readily taught.

There are a lot of facilitator trainings to choose from, but many do not teach, or include, space holding and energy principles.

It is assumed people can naturally hold space, but this is actually an art that needs to be cultivated and mastered over years.

One would normally have to learn these skills, and how to work with a Plant Spirit, over a period of several years, via an ongoing apprenticeship.

This retreat, will teach you the foundational principles of shamanic practice and space holding, and provide guidance and feedback on your own efforts; whilst giving you practice and supervision.

You will receive templates for circle, and ceremony work; and be instructed in key foundations for genuine space holding, whilst you learn how to work with the energy in ceremonial space.

This is a unique experience, encompassing the art of space holding, the art of working with plant spirits, managing energy and mastership of ceremonial practice.

Becoming a truly competent Plant Spirit Ceremonialist takes many years of work. The teachings of this workshop are an accumulation of 16 years of personal experience and wisdom from many masters.

To assist you on your journey to becoming a strong Circle facilitator and in time, a Shamanic Ceremonialist, we have created an immersive and potent experience into the deeper workings of the Cacao and Blue Lotus Plant Spirits. Ongoing mentorship and training completes this programme.


More on the teaching team:

Shamanic Energy Training is a unique training programme that combines advanced healing modalities; multiple forms of energy mastership techniques such as Qi Gong; with Shamanism workshops, rituals and ceremonies to help participants develop, and improve, their physical vitality and personal spiritual practice.

This is a Complete System of Energy based training and workshops, addressing many levels of body, mind and spirit, to help you access greater levels of vitality, higher states of consciousness, and expand your awareness to different levels of non-ordinary reality.

The Warrior Energy Training is the foundation for the whole Programme. These Energy training classes train you to build a strong energy core and become sensitive to your own energy system, so that you can start to shift unwanted energies on your own. They also show you how to safely energise yourself, and stay grounded.

The Energy Practices are used to fuel the Shamanic Practices. Shamanic Practice and Healing work can quickly deplete your energy reserves, if you do not have a method or a practice to replenish them. This is the missing ingredient in many healing and shamanic based systems.

Shamanic Energy Training facilitates you to power your own growth and awakening.

The Shamanism Workshops provide a comprehensive system of teachings and experiences to enable energy trainers, therapists, experienced “Intuitives” (witches, psychics and shamanic practitioners); and the newly awakened; a safe and grounded space to develop, hone and acquire intuitive and shamanic skills, combined with an understanding of energy principles.

In many instances we are filling in the gaps left by other systems. For some that will mean, teaching appropriate disciplines, and providing the appropriate energetic templates. Whilst for others, it may mean developing and grounding abilities that are beginning to emerge, as they awaken and increase their vibration. www.shamanicenergytraining.com.au