The Recognition of Energy

As I sit here on this chilly Sydney morning, my thoughts turn to all those in the world who are also starting their day.  I think of people who rush out of bed perhaps with dread in their hearts, those that carry heavy emotions of sadness, depression, emptiness…not excited about the work they do and the routine they will face.  They rise out of bed begrudgingly, slam some form of caffeine, yell at the kids to wake up, breakfast, create lunches, throw on clothes that represent the uniform your employment requests….and onto work.  These individuals go about their day with no joy in their hearts.  They feel trapped by circumstances out of their control.  Things ‘happen’ to them; car door slams on their finger, lost keys, fender bender on the way to work. The heavy emotions they carry around with them become heavier and heavier until they are barely able to move forward or acknowledge those around them.

Are you one of these beings?

There is another way.

My personal journey into Awareness began the moment I felt energy. The moment my friend told me to try this experiment, rub your hands together, pull them apart and then slowly push them closer together, closing your eyes and ‘feeling’ with your other senses.  A very simply little experiment and one that any energetic healer would know very well.

But something within myself changed that day.  I could ‘feel’ the static-like electricity between my hands and, after some focus, could see a with my eyes a distortion of light in the area between my hands.  This is something unseen to most, but has such weight, substance.  What is this thing that I’m feeling? Energy, my friends, pure energy.   I was hooked.

For you see we are energetic beings and the world around us, pure energy. Everything you see, feel, touch, sense, is one form or another of energy.  And energy has ‘rules’ as brought into light by Einstein. It is not static, it is constantly in motion and will affect other energy sources that it touches.

Energetic Healers understand energy. We sense it, feel it, understand it….and understand how to change it/alter it/guide it to a different path.  We understand that the plant outside your door has a purpose and that perhaps that particular flower/plant represents a form of energy that will ‘adjust’ your own energetic system so that it is more in alignment, thus releasing heavier emotions.  Energetic Healers understand that your cells/muscles/body systems store energy and by manipulating and moving your body you can release trapped emotions.  Think of yoga and massage. Who doesn’t feel better after a yoga class or good massage?    Energy

So if you are feeling like one of the people described in the beginning of this post – if you are feeling that you are banging your head against the wall and perhaps just not happy with your circumstances today — then I tell you that there is a way out of this cycle because ultimately YOU are in charge of yourself- your health, wellbeing, state of mind.  My personal healing gift is to work with the power of language and thought.  Thought is energy.  Words do not just pop into your head, but are chosen by you.  Each thought (energy form) creates a resulting emotion which affects not only your energetic system, but those around you.  So if you are starting your day with the thought,” I really hate my job”, then you are setting yourself up for a day that is defined by this thought.  If you, instead,  begin your day by focusing on the things that you are grateful for – roof over your head, warm bed, loving family – choose one thing, then you are creating a different energy pattern that will affect not only your system, but those around you.  Don’t believe me?  Try it– before jumping out of bed focus on one thing for which you are truly grateful  and just allow that thought to permeate your mind and body.  Bring your awareness into your body and see/feel what is going on.  I guarantee you will feel lighter and if tears come, you know you have hit something truly meaningful for your Being.  Then start your day and see that things don’t flow more smoothly, more positive opportunities and people come into your life…all of this is possible.  Change your thoughts, change your energy, change your life.  This is a Catherine-ism that is shared much with my clients.

So as you begin your day ask yourself what is the energy I am putting out at this moment?  What are the thoughts in your mind?  Where are your thoughts focused – here in the moment?  or perhaps some event in the future?  If your thoughts are in the future, then your energy is there. Likewise if your thoughts are in the past, then you are sending your energy to that moment. Much anxiety arises from misplaced thoughts.  By focusing on things that do not exist, then you are creating an imbalance within your system from which anxiety, stress, distress can arise.

There is so much more I can write on this subject, but this is a post, not a book, so I’ll leave it here for now.  Be Conscious of what is going on around and within you.  It is not all that is seems.


If you are interested in learning more about Energy and Energy Healing, by all means join us on November 12 for Discovery Opportunity Day


Through Educating, we find Freedom.

Choice. Freedom.  We’d love to have you with us– passionate speakers sharing their story and future best friends– what could be a better way to spend your day?  xx




President/Visionary, IEHA
