Your Hidden Magnificence Awaits

Peter Smith

In this presentation, Peter offers a summary of who we are across different realms of consciousness and shares stories that inspire you to look deeper into your own magnificence.

We are so much more than we have ever been told, and it is time for us to take our place in the universe.

Reiki – The Way to Your Inner Light, Love and Healing

Carolyn Panuccio

Have you ever wondered how to wholly connect with your inner light?
Of finding the way to your heart and therefore your true essence?
For it is from this place that the mystery and magic of true healing can occur.

The beautiful energy of Reiki will lead you to the discovery of all you seek.
In this session, Carolyn explores how this powerful practice brings personal empowerment, spiritual growth and deep healing to all those who welcome Reiki into their lives.

Inner North Star

Rebecca Maklad

The time has come for us all to embody our purpose as our birthright and to stop seeing purpose as something outside of who we already are.
The Inner North Star is a philosophy that views purpose as energy in motion, a healing paradigm, and a pathway empowering conscious evolution.
The time has come to rebuild the world with an infrastructure of diversity, inclusion, equality, love, and hope for the future.
In this presentation, Rebecca fuses her expertise as a thought leader on purpose alongside her soul calling as an energy healer.
The Inner North Star is a culmination of more than two decades of experience igniting human potential and purpose.
Today she is passionate about unlocking Ancient Wisdom with a Future Focus.

Nature to nurture – the reciprocity of Earth’s medicine

Cate Peterson and Deborah Shepherd representing SoulAdvisor – Enspired 2022 Sponsor

We are all visitors to this time, this place.
We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe, learn, grow, love and then… we return home.

The Birth Trauma & The Stunting of Human Consciousness

Bassam Younes

The Upanishads are some of the oldest Vedic Sanskrit texts of Hindu scripture.
In thee, we find a reference to Breathwork that says, Breathwork coupled with meditation leads to liberation.
The question that immediately arises here is liberation from what?
Of course, to answer this question, we don’t have to travel to look very far:
From ourselves.
Not the true self that the masters of wisdom have described since antiquity.
Rather, the false self of identity that we take to be real but that has been conditioned over time…”
“From infancy, we are trained to focus our senses outside of ourselves.
In time our attention (which is the light of our awareness that allows us to know and to experience) becomes outwardly fixated.
We are no longer capable of cognising our inner life or discerning the reality of our inner being and feel disconnected, alone, and estranged to ourselves.
We live as if strangers inside our own bodies and complain that our lives lack meaning, significance and joy.
Tormenting ourselves with unfulfilled desire and imaginary fear, we realise that there’s got to be more to life than mere survival.
Even so, we continue to look to the outside for salvation.
If we do happen to look within, it is usually in order to improve our lot, not to know ourselves…

Will I Marry Me?

Joanne Aldridge

No matter if you’re single or in a relationship, how committed are you to Your own love, light and journey?
Having turned 40 never been married and having had no children Jo found herself doing some deep soul searching.  Late in 2020, tired from months of lockdown and feeling more lonely than ever, Joanne looked deeply in the mirror one day, tears streaming down her face.  Why will no one choose me, she thought?  Knowing she was a kind soul who put everyone else first and was generous to a fault, she was confused.  Then the answer came. No one was choosing Joanne because wasn’t choosing herself!! Joanne looked in the mirror again, wiped away the tears and said out loud “Joanne, the biggest commitment I can make to you is asking you to marry me.  Will you marry me?”.
Learning how to commit to your inner child, your dreams, your creativity, your ritual, your sacredness and your joy is key for you to create the relationship you want.  Whether you’re married or single or somewhere in between.  Committing to your soul’s growth is what will strengthen and create the relationships and life you dream of.
We will talk about the benefit of building a relationship with your inner child, how it strengthens all your relationships and I will facilitate a short inner child meditation at the end.

Consciousness and Colours in the Auro-Soma system

Interview with Mike Booth, AuraSoma

Integration Meditation

Elle Reynolds, Founder of the IEHA monthly Healers Connect sessions

Sound Bath

Anastasia Giovanoglou, IEHA Leadership Team

IEHA Panel – Studying, teaching and learning Energetic Health at Nature Care College

Luca Orlandi

Ynot You – Founder, Ynot Crystals – Founder and Owner
Kristy Ismay

President and Global Accreditations Manager, International Energetic Healing Association
Intuitive Energy Healer
Martine Negro

Author of “Hacking the Well-Being Code” through Energetic Intelligence
Co-author of The Best-Selling Books “Are YOU The Missing Piece?”
“My Journey My Journal” and “Unfolding Journeys”

Solar Plexus Chakra – taking action through Manipura to align/ find your Dharma

Elese Barrymore

Join Elese for an invigorating session on the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – the lustrous gem. Learn how the solar plexus chakra governs the fire element inside you, enabling us to create ‘willed’ action.
Here we connect with the transformative energy that represents our strength, vitality, and inner power.
By taking action at the Manipura energy center, we are able to align/find our Dharma (purpose) authentically.

‘Talking’ to Your Body to Facilitate Healing and Release Pain

Jennifer Nurick

In this session, you will learn a powerful, evidence-based practice to effectively communicate with your body and gain access to your subconscious.

Jennifer will guide you through a step-by-step process that you will be able to use repeatedly to increase health and wellbeing in your body, mind and energy field.

The importance and art of self-love

Daniela Mallozzi

At 37 years old, I can safely say that I have met my fair share of humans and seen my fair share of this pretty planet Earth that we inhabit.
After travelling to 23 countries, living and working in 4, and experiencing 6 major traumas from the age of 11 to 22, I have noticed many patterns in human behaviour.
I had a thirst to learn and squire information and the mind and body, so I read, and studied, and read and studied some more, and still continue to do so. I love learning facts like we have 50-80,000 thoughts (on average) each day. 640 muscles, 200 joints, 206 bones. These drive me to wanting to know more, so I can share with others. Knowledge is power after all.
I feel qualified to talk about how to turn tragic to magic, trauma to triumph, and how to access a state of richness and happiness on a daily basis, regardless of any external environmental factors.
After finding the secret to happiness I feel it is my duty to share that with others. As such, for the past 7 years, I have been working with clients on a one-to-one basis, in groups, workshops, online courses and retreat’s, offering a space for people to tap into the deepest part within themselves – peace and love. Sharing tools and techniques to attain and maintain desired states, consistently and whenever required., using a combination of intuition, NLP, strategic hypnotherapy, muscle correction and mindset coaching.
I love my work, and living this human experience. What a blessing. What a ride, when you know how to enjoy the ups and the downs.
Your life exists in between your two ears. I am passionate about helping people learn to love that space, as I have loved it consistently within me for 10 years.