Becoming a Pioneer in your own Life – July 2023

As Above, So Below: A monthly guide to consciously align your focus so you can flow with the changing energies of the planets’


Key themes at a glance this month: creating from a place of emotional centredness, finding internal emotional security, spiritual expansiveness, focus on relationships, being a pioneer and initiating in your own life, preparing the grounds for what you value, sudden & powerful energies taking some adjustment, transformation of inner authority, building and managing your personal resources.

Dates to note:

New moon in Cancer 18th July at 4:31 am (AEST) + Nodal axis shift – North node moves into Aries 18th July

First Quarter Moon in Libra  26th July at 8:06am (AEST)

Full Moon in Aquarius  2nd August at 4:31am (AEST) (Super Full Moon)

Third Quarter Moon in Taurus 8th August at 8:28pm (AEST)

In early July (10th) The moon was conjunct Chiron in Aries which was a perfect placement to feel into where you may currently feel wounded around who you think you are and need to be-and how you feel when you’ve been triggered.

The New Moon in Cancer (18th July)  is a very active new moon especially as the nodal axis changed at the same time. With each small decision that you make in your life, this is the time to ask yourself each and every time you need to start something- are you sitting still within your heart and creating from a place of emotional centredness, love & inner power (square with Pluto)?

If you are not coming from your internal centre, you may find yourself reacting to events and coming from a place of survival and feeling powerless. How do you find emotional security in your life, and is it time to find another way of feeling internally safe without trying to control things?

Jupiter squares Mercury
At the same time as the new moon, we find Jupiter the planet of expansion squaring Mercury and impacting on how we communicate and think. At the same time we also have Neptune lending a spiritual aspect to this time trining the sun and moon.

You may feel like you’re downloading a huge amount of information and very expansive spiritually at this time. This aspect also cautions against overdoing it and overloading and overwhelming yourself. Taking the presence of mind to ground your energies during this time will assist you greatly.

Early to mid July sees the Nodes of the moon changing signs and come into a square with Pluto (July 22-23rd). Mercury is also opposite Pluto also squaring nodes in the final degree during this time.

This month we see the Nodal Axis changing on 18th July into different signs after a year and a half. Moving into a North node in Aries (South Node in Libra). Nodes have karmic, fate or soul destiny aspect that can even seem related to past lives.

There will be a focus on relationships (of all types) regardless of where the nodes occur in your personal chart, and any relationship issues may be shown (South node in Libra) during this time.

Look at house area where Aries and Libra fall in your birth chart (fate/karma), these houses reveal where you have the opportunity to go deep. The North Node reflects qualities you are here to develop in this lifetime to further your soul’s journey. The South Node is what has already been done and is time to move away from.

Aries (North Node) energy is stepping into leadership, and the ability to be a pioneer in your own life. A greater aspect of this is having the sense of knowing who you really are, what you want and to be able to initiate action and use the unique skills you have to get there. You have a role to play within the greater community by stepping into who you really are (as Pluto settles in Aquarius).

Libra (South Node) We are moving away from relationships we have outgrown (plutonic, business or romantic). Is there a sense where you have gone with the flow to keep the peace, or went along with what is comfortable but no longer feels like you?

If so, this time will highlight where you have compromised or tried to please other people in order to keep harmony. If you no longer have things in common and have outgrown certain relationships you may find these dropping away during this time.

The astrological energies available from the middle to the end of July are very powerful and may take some adjustment as they can be quite sudden. This is a time where’s it’s necessary to really take steps to take care of yourself when you’re feeling pressed with intensity and want to control things or others as a result.

Uranus square Venus– (for the month) sees sudden changes within values, financial matters, it’s also a great time for insights (Uranus) and spontaneity within creative expression of art (Venus).

Mars (in Virgo) opposing Saturn (in Pisces) 21st July
Be aware of any frustration you may feel around this time over not getting things your own way. Take care to avoid being overly critical of yourself or others if you feel like you are being prevented from doing something you want (Mars).

You may feel yourself riling up against authority (Saturn) if you are projecting externally. If you feel triggered it’s a great time to reflect on how you may not have been owning your own sense of authority, or where you currently feel powerless or unable to initiate in your life.

An important observation at this time is the saying ‘it takes two to tango’, so observing your internal reactions when facing an opposing opinion rather than being reactive will see you working with this energy productively. If you find yourself getting triggered or angry, what is it about this situation/person/event that is flagging what is important to you?

Physical exercise, keeping grounded and taking care of yourself will see the best use of the energy available during this time and allowing it to move through you rather than get caught up in conflict and stories.

Venus moves retrograde-22nd July
This is a good time to reviewing relationships, finances, values (the same day as Pluto squares the Nodes, Venus stands still) and indicates preparing the grounds for what you value, and breaking free of anything that you no longer need for your soul’s growth. As Venus moves away from Neptune, It’s time to let go of some illusions/delusions around partnership and money, values.

At the same time we find Pluto (22nd July) is in a T square with nodal access (until Nov) which is like a compression for evolution and transformation.

Sun opposing Pluto-23rd July
This is the time to ask yourself, is your life a reflection of your empowered self? Once more we see the transformation of inner authority and own sense of internal power (away from external authority). Where is your focus of power, is it external or internal? Take your focus away from the excessive noise and lower vibrational chatter wherever possible during this time.

The sheer amount of planetary energy this month is a gentle reminder to take care and bring a balance between being overly ‘doing’ and feeling scattered, to a slower pace where you take time to ground, take practical steps when you feel overwhelmed and breathe, and take care of your physical body. This is a time to make sure you take care of your routines, cooking a nourishing meal, setting yourself up for the week, take walks in nature.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by too many thoughts, and excess energy circling around in your head, mental energy can be channelled into communication (of your truth rather than chatter). This will allow you to slow it down and take the steps to allow it to flow through you so it doesn’t build up.

Jupiter in Taurus (where it will stay until next year) which continues building and managing your personal resources, expansion and opportunity even when challenged by events outside your personal control.

This month sees big energy changes and intensity, and a focus on relationships- what you have previously valued and whether it is aligned with your soul’s growth. This is time for doing the inner preparation-taking care of your body, your emotional health, purifying your intentions, and reviewing what you value in your relationships. As you step towards embracing your individual qualities and skills, you can fine tune your focus on your unique soul gifts-so you can contribute to the greater whole in an empowered way.

Heidi Drieschner

Heidi Drieschner is a professionally qualified complementary healing practitioner & teacher who finds her refuge in the quiet voices of the forest and the big mountain energies of sacred Wollumbin in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Her services draw upon a range of qualifications and experience in Energy Healing, Astrology, Holistic Kinesiology, Channelling & Mediumship, Reiki, & Past Life Regression to bring compassion, direction & guidance to assist people in navigating changes & transitions in their lives with less stress and more peace.