Focusing on your inner vision & core – April 2023

‘As Above, So Below: A monthly guide to consciously align your focus so you can flow with the changing energies of the planets.’ 

Key themes at a glance this month: reflecting on our old limitations, using your will to focus on your future, revelations on power and social accountability, strength & courage, reflecting on your own personal power, how you feel stable in your life.

Focusing on truth, justice, fairness, supporting your foundation and core, envisage what you really want for the future.

Dates to note:
New moon in Aries 20th Apr at 2.12 pm (AEST)

First quarter moon in Leo 28th Apr at 7:19 am (AEST)

Full moon in Scorpio 6th May at 3:33 am (AEST)

Third quarter moon in Aquarius 13th May at 12:28 am (AEST)

This month we have seen a lot of new beginning energy with a lot of fire energy still continuing as a theme. The full moon in Libra earlier in the month saw a close continuation of the very strong, direct, courageous, independent, fiery energy of Aries and themes of truth, justice, and issues around fairness.

We are also still feeling the effects of Saturn moving into Pisces in early March, and is still settling us into the structure and discipline of planning for your future vision and taking steps to make that a reality. What hasn’t worked in the past is becoming lost in our bliss or ways of escaping, which keeps us stuck in dreams that remain a million miles away-they’re pretty dreams but they’re just that. That’s how the years fly past while we remain wistful about our future. This aspect can be solidifying a spiritual practice and your true vision for the future and bringing that into our present.

New Moon in Aries on 20 April
This month sees the second New Moon in a row in Aries, which is also a total solar eclipse. This can assist by reflecting on where we have been stuck in a rut in the past, our old ways of acting out, emotional habits, beliefs and where we have been acting from. This time can show us our old ways of dysfunction and limitation so we can get off the old hamster wheel. Even though we might want to pretend they’re not there and avoid the truth, it’s a good time to recognise them so we can shift into something else and another gear. This energy can feel quite nervy, kind of like you’re jumping out of your skin. It’s a good time to learn, commit to bringing a new way of doing things, and use your will to focus on your future and what you want to create.

This new moon sees a number of planets travelling along closely together in the Fire sign of Aries, with Chiron, Jupiter, the Moon, the Sun, as well as the North Node. This is a time when we can be aware of our tender ouch spots, their emotional connection, and where we are heading.

We have already experienced the transformative energy of Pluto moving into Aquarius on 23rd March, and we will see it zig-zagging back and forwards from Capricorn (our past) into Aquarius (our future) as it settles into its new sign. We’ve already been given a glimpse of the major changes and transformations possible in this major cycle that is only just beginning. The instability within the banking and other institutions, the challenging of old power structures operating out of archaic principles, and cracks in systems of science and technology such as data hacks. It can also reveal aspects of corruption and accountability in political figures regarding the misuse of power. This can be a time when a large proportion of the global community starts to question the old top-down power structures, no longer blindly taking instructions or plans ‘for our own good’ & awakening to ways they may have been disempowered previously.

This is a time emerging where a growing amount of people are seeing through old structures for what they are, lower levels of wielding power are being increasingly challenged, and cracks will continue to reveal the corruption of power. This time can signify a call of freedom, social accountability, and the dissolution and change of outdated structures in our society.

It’s an incredibly significant time to be witness to and be a part of, with this transformative cycle of endings and beginnings. I can’t help but reflect on the events leading up to the French Revolution with the current energy available with Pluto in Aquarius. You can’t build a new structure on old scaffolding, it has to be taken down in order for the new to be built so it has a strong foundation in which to start.

On a personal level, reflect on which areas of your life have you felt disempowered, and are you going to sit back and allow those old patterns to continue? What steps do you need to take to own your own power in your life? How can you connect within your community to empower one another and bring about a more equitable collective power?

Full moon in Scorpio (6th May)
This month’s full moon sees Mercury, the Sun and Uranus all hanging out together in the steady earth sign of Taurus. This shines a spotlight on how we have been talking about ourselves, our self-esteem, resources, finances and what we can to do differently (Uranus) to ground ourselves and feel more stable in our lives. How can we support ourselves and our family in different ways? Can we source our food locally, can we grow it ourselves or in a local community garden, are there any other ways in which you can be more self-reliant?

Scorpio full moons always tend to bring up and reflect an intensity of emotions, which tend to be a reflection of what you are currently focusing on. Are your thoughts and emotions empowering, and do you allow others to stand in their own power?

This month, supporting our core and our Base chakra is very important for staying strong within our foundation. It is time to ask yourself how you can support yourself and your family and provide for your core basic needs as well as long-term security.

Food-wise-incorporate root vegetables into your diet, like carrots, sweet potatoes, radishes, onions, beets, and protein-rich foods

Health-wise-take care of your feet and lower back, take a walk in nature (not run!) and feel your connection to the earth, practice some yoga or qi gong, and connect to your breath regularly.

Use this time to focus on what you really want for your future rather than waste energy on old beliefs of what is or isn’t possible or what you are trying to avoid. Is your focus on your fears or on your end goal?

Ask yourself, what is it that I really want to create? Great, now don’t waste any more energy and time on the past or anxiety about what hasn’t happened yet. It’s time to use your will to envisage your plans for a bold new path and keep your focus and attention on something much brighter and courageous.

This month brings a continuation of fiery initiation energy that is available and coursing through you. The importance of owning and standing in our personal power bursts up through the forefront of the collective and individual awareness right now. This month is a reminder for us all to stop wasting energy on the old ways of reacting out of past hurts. You are invited to take a long breath, dig deep and support your body, and build your reserves and your core so you can tap into that deep well of courage. This will allow you to continue to focus on what you really want with clarity and forge ahead your plans for a bold new path and future.

Heidi Drieschner

Heidi Drieschner is a professionally qualified complementary healing practitioner & teacher who finds her refuge in the quiet voices of the forest and the big mountain energies of sacred Wollumbin in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Her services draw upon a range of qualifications and experience in Energy Healing, Astrology, Holistic Kinesiology, Channelling & Mediumship, Reiki, & Past Life Regression to bring compassion, direction & guidance to assist people in navigating changes & transitions in their lives with less stress and more peace.