Harnessing your Courage – March 2023

‘As Above, So Below: A monthly guide to consciously align your focus so you can flow with the changing energies of the planets’ 

Art Credit: Brooke Shaden

Key themes at a glance this month: reflecting on your current life and true potential, being kinder to yourself, bringing more structure to your spiritual practice, tenderly letting go of past disappointments, clearing excess energy, returning to your core, considering what you want on a soul level, stepping into the courage to energise projects, recognising how precious our connections are.

Dates to note:
New moon in Aries
22nd March at 4:23 am (AEDT)

First quarter moon in Cancer
29th March at 1:32 pm (AEDT)

Full moon in Libra
6th April at 2:34 pm (AEDT)

Third quarter moon in Capricorn
13th April at 7:11 pm (AEDT)

The start of March saw a full moon in Virgo (7th March) which brought to the surface patterns around who are you becoming. This was a great time to reflect if your current life matches your true potential for your future self. A key area here is reflecting on where you may still be stuck in the past and your beliefs and reflecting on what you may be blocked from realising if you allow this pattern to continue.

If you have outgrown the ways you used to relate, this is the optimal time to give yourself permission to be a better version of you and be kinder to yourself – this is the time to be of practical service to you. Keep moving, don’t look back and be aware of the drop in your personal energy when you bring up the old stories of disempowerment.

Saturn moved into Pisces on 8th March where it will remain for roughly 2 years
Saturn tends to get a bad reputation in the astrology world with a focus on restriction, discipline, and rules; however, it often brings about a much-needed reality check. I like to think of it as one of those sometimes dramatic slaps in the face that you watch in the old black & white movies. Saturn urges us to do the things that we may have been avoiding but need to do-it encourages us to step up and take responsibility-which always ends up better in the end.

When we look at a higher aspect of Pisces engaging with Saturn, it can mean that we bring more structure to our spiritual practice. So what if instead of attending a monthly moon ritual or sound healing, you focus on a short daily meditation, journaling, writing, and treating yourself with small, regular acts of compassion and kindness? A lower expression of this engagement can be disconnecting, allowing ourselves to become numb, feeling overwhelmed, controlled by external authorities or feeling like a victim of circumstance.

This is a great time to look at how you find meaning in the world and commit to a practice that nourishes your soul. Use this time to build and solidify a spiritual practice and make it part of your everyday routine.

Pisces is connected to the immune system and the blood, so this could be the perfect time to look at live blood analysis for a snapshot of your current state of health so you know what areas may need support.

Food-wise, below are some blood-building/nourishing foods from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) you can incorporate into your diet:
beetroot, black sesame seeds, raspberries, seaweed, chlorophyll, dark leafy green vegetables, coriander, kidney beans, bone broth.

As Saturn brings focus look out for further exciting developments that measure the physiological effect of regular spiritual practice and meditation. We may see further focus into scientific research such as that already conducted with tapping/EFT and how it significantly lowers cortisol levels and the stress response in the body and switching off inflammatory pathways and addiction. Other research from the Heart Math institute shows the benefits of utilising heart coherence for reducing stress, anxiety and blood pressure among other numerous other health benefits.

Jupiter was conjunct Chiron on the 12th March which brings about matters of the heart and a cycle that started back in May 2009. When the cycle started dreams were set in place and you may have started to pursue them. Mid-March sees a point where we can see if these have come to fruition (Mars square Neptune). If there was a dream that has gone unrealised you may notice natural feelings of disillusionment, sadness or disappointment come up. This can be a really good time to acknowledge your experience of this cycle and to allow your feelings to flow through and out.

We also have Chiron conjunct Jupiter until the end of March. This is an ideal time to let go of past disappointments and not dwell in what has already happened. There’s a real tenderness to this aspect, and any type of healing crisis that is offered up by Chiron here is an opportunity to come back to your heart, your deeper state and your body. Within the hurt, there often exists alongside an element of beauty and an opportunity for an opening through the experience of being vulnerable.

Acknowledge the hurt of the experience like you are comforting a young child who has fallen over, be open to any deeper messages and use this time to come back to yourself gently and realise that you were doing the best you could and it’s okay to experience your feelings.

This is a time to consider, really consider what you really want on a deeper soul level. Do what you need to do to break out of your wounded self that may have felt wronged or is clinging onto old hurts. If there is part of you that is still reacting to your recent experience, it’s time to acknowledge the experience and let it go for what it was. Reach out to a qualified practitioner if you would like to get the full healing benefits of this.

New moon in Aries on the 22 March
This month’s New moon brings about a choice point for us all with several planets in Aries -the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter as well as Chiron at this point. This is a great time to channel your energy into being courageous, and brave, and using the initiation and leadership energy of Aries to energise projects that you feel passionate about.

Misguided energy here can lead to frustration and criticism levelled at ourselves for not taking action previously, or misdirect by the volume of information coming in from the outside and confusion/overwhelm. We can see through the mist here (Neptune conjunct the Moon) and move forwards with more love and less fixed energy if we choose.

If this energy is not directed and focused, you may find yourself projecting your frustration or anger, or act out impulsively. Also be aware of action for the sake of it without focus or direction, this can waste your internal resources and result in exhaustion.

During this time take extra good care of yourself if you are feeling tired or are not sleeping well. It’s like we are taking off the old outfit we used to wear that’s a little too tight! We are collectively acclimatising to the new energies and an influx of information coming in, and our bodies are adjusting to this as we go.

We can assist this process by moving excess energy we have accumulated-it’s a great time for an energy healing top-up, a detoxification program, use a pendulum or other tools to clear our auric field of energetic debris so we can invite the new energies in.

Coming up we see the beginning of Pluto moving into Aquarius on 23rd March which gives a glimpse of the cycle of endings and beginnings that will continue for at least the next 2 years as it settles into its new sign and out of Capricorn. This is a huge cycle for us all & will be explored further next month.

It’s time to let go of the old ways and patterns that didn’t work-that ship has sailed, and there will be another one coming. It’s a great time to recognise and appreciate how delicate and precious our connections are with one another and how we can support one another through these incredible shifts in energy.

This month brings the courage to recognise your true potential, a sense of gentleness, and the opportunity for more structure to your spiritual and creative endeavours. A space can be created if you allow the letting go of past disappointments, hold a tender place for your heart, and clear any excess energy. You can then harness your courage, so you can pursue what you are truly passionate about with the feeling that you will be supported in your next heart-led move-whatever that may be.

Heidi Drieschner

Heidi Drieschner is a professionally qualified complementary healing practitioner & teacher who finds her refuge in the quiet voices of the forest and the big mountain energies of sacred Wollumbin in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Her services draw upon a range of qualifications and experience in Energy Healing, Astrology, Holistic Kinesiology, Channelling & Mediumship, Reiki, & Past Life Regression to bring compassion, direction & guidance to assist people in navigating changes & transitions in their lives with less stress and more peace.