Medical Intuition – Your Body Talks

Jean Sheehan is a Medical Intuitive who will show how the body talks from a holistic awareness. Integrating her nursing and metaphysical work, Jean can see the anatomy and physiology within the body and will explain what your body is really saying. Yours is talking to you!

Jean is known as the ‘walking talking MRI’ as she has the ability to know where each person limits them self and what the body is saying in relation to health and empowerment. Jean will share about the body like you have never seen – integration of the physical and metaphysical, quantum physics and how energy works to create disease or health/harmony. When you are sickest you are the healthiest. Your Body talks – what does it say? A fascinating and extraordinary talk for all.

Jean is the Director of Millennium Education. Her career transformed from Nursing, Pathology and Autopsies to teaching Millennium Modality® Medical Intuition. She also developed the Millennium Children® Personality which is taught in schools and childcare centres. As a leader in her field Jean teaches globally and is featured in many magazines, TV, and Queensland University. She is recognised with many business awards and continually featured in magazines and as an international speaker. She writes for Pubs & Clubs Mag, Holistic Bliss Mag, many blogs and websites; teaches at QLD University, United Synergies, PCYC, schools, childcare centres and much more.
