
Sagittarius Moon Cycle 24 November 2022

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Accessing Higher Wisdom

With this Sagittarius season comes the invitation to look beyond what ‘appears to be’, and connect with the intuitive, universal wisdom. With a lovely mix of planets and energies at play, this cycle provides us with an opportunity to gain deeper understanding of questions we may have been puzzling with, and thus a greater contentment in where we are at on our journey.

This is also my ‘goodbye for now’ as the IEHA enters a quieter season of rest and restoration, and I await the soon approaching birth of my baby. I look forward to returning to my astrology practice next year. 

For now, I hope this final column for the year will help you ground and align your energies with the cosmos as we approach the ‘silly season’. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Sagittarius 24 November at 9.57am (AEDT)

First Quarter Moon in Pisces 1 December at 1.38am (AEDT) 

Full Moon in Gemini 8 December at 3.08pm (AEDT) 

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo 16 December at 7.59pm (AEDT)

Sagittarius New Moon:

On November 24th, the Moon joins the Sun in 1 degree Sagittarius for the buoyant and benevolent Sagittarius New Moon – a lovely shift in energy after the deep and intense Scorpio season. Sagittarius energy invites us to be spontaneous and have a bit of fun to ease the intensity of the past cycle. With a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in Pisces, this cycle promises joyful expansion through strengthening our connection to the mystical and the unseen, thus providing us with a rare opportunity to receive powerful ’downloads’ and wisdom from the universe.

In this New Moon constellation, we also have Venus and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius, creating an aspect to the ‘wounded healer’ of our skies; Chiron. Paired with the subtle and empathetic Piscean energy (Jupiter), this cycle will offer a wonderful platform for healing through soulful conversations and sharing with others – they key being in always leading with an open heart.      

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Arrange soulful low-key time with close friends and loved ones 
  • Spend time journaling your thoughts and insights to paper especially around the upcoming Full Moon – Gemini energy loves the written word
  • Try Agrimony flower essence to integrate and balance the Sagittarius energy 
  • This cycle is a wonderful one to attend a yoga/healing/creative workshop or short course to expand your awareness

Gemini Full Moon:

This Full Moon in the bubbly and flirtatious sign of Gemini has an edge to it with the fiery Mars in tight embrace with the Moon. Think fast and passionate attraction, strong emotional responses and rash words spoken in the heat of a conversation. Finding a healthy way to express your Natal Mars would be really helpful during this Full Moon to direct the volatile energy in a constructive way. Depending on the placement of your Natal Mars, vigorous physical activity, passionate loving and/or doing something to get the adrenaline pumping could all be great options. 

On the other hand, we also have a conversation between Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Pisces diffusing some of the sparks of this Full Moon. Venus in Sagittarius is just and optimistic while Jupiter in Pisces envelops us in faith for a better future, thus making this Full Moon a fertile ground for breakthroughs in terms of how to move forward – or in other words – what to release so that we can move ahead with our grand vision for the future. 

While I have closed my astrology appointments for now, I’m forever creating and painting as the inspiration strikes and will be sharing my work on my website so please, don’t be a stranger!

Wishing you all a lovely and peaceful rest of the year, and I look forward to connecting again in 2023!

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

With love,

Siina xx