Message from our Ancestors: Choice, Balance, Freedom

For the past two weeks my parents have been visiting from Chicago.  My Mother is not well and much attention and energy was focused on her current health condition.  I will leave out labels of what her traditional medical doctors have placed upon her.  Suffice to say, she is struggling to achieve balance and the visit has left me delete of energy.

With everything in my life, I ask Spirit for clarity.  What lessons were presented here?  What is it I need to walk away with?  There is much surfacing, but above all her visit strengthens my resolve and conviction in the Vision and Purpose of the IEHA.

It comes to me over and over that the women, especially, of her generation were devoid of choice.  Choice in many factors– live style, career, health and wellbeing.  My Mother, as I am and my daughter after me, is a Healer.  My Mother spent her life in geriatric care, honouring and taking care of those in their time of transition. Yet the lesson she, and many women like her, give to us is that life is about Balance.  She gave and gave to the point of depletion and now she is unable to give any longer.

Choice, Balance, Freedom.

I met yesterday with our core group at the IEHA, Krista and Artemiss, in order to discuss the details of our Conference on November 12. .   We were discussing what we viewed as the fundamental purpose of this event.  We each had a few thoughts to share, but what surfaced above all else was that this was an event dedicated to honouring Choice and Freedom.  We have a choice when it comes to our health and wellbeing and through choosing our own self and our own inner wisdom comes freedom. There are choices.

And this is the message from my Mother and many women like her.   Honour yourselves, seek Balance in your life and make choices that are empowering and reflect your ultimate state of wellness.  Let us learn from these individuals- there is a better way.

Our Conference on November 12 honours this message.  Amazing individuals who present to you their life’s Journey, their work and personal message.  They have incredible messages that will change your perspective and your life.

Join us on November 12 as a celebration of Choice and Freedom.  I state proudly and that we, myself, Krista, Artemiss, Loni and Traci, wish to change the world.  We want to make it a better place for ourselves and our children. We see our work at the IEHA as putting forth these goals.

If you, like us, would like to be a part of something bigger.  If you, like us, wish to create positive change in this world and, if you, like us, understand and honour the message of those who have come before us, then by all means, join us on November 12.  Educate, Connect and Create Change.  Empower.

From our Hearts to Yours,


with Blessings from Krista, Artemiss, Loni and Traci


If you have any questions about Discovery Opportunity Day, please free free to contact us through Facebook, email or phone.

