Leo is a fire sign. My recipe today is to cool our inner Leo.

I have chosen an Olive and Walnut salad (olive can be good for the health of the ovaries to tie with lunar cycle and Walnut can be good for the brain (Fire signs need food to nourish the brain).


Olives (you can buy Olives at any deli) for this recipe use green olives.

Walnut (you can put them in a pan on the stove for only 1 min just to warm them)

Spinach (iron intake)

Mint leaves (for cooling)

Any leafy greens like beetroot leaves, watercress, rocket leaves, Kale and mint.

If using watercress or kale you can sauteed your watercress/kale with a little bit of garlic, mix with the walnuts and a tablespoon of olive oil instead of warming the walnuts separately on the stove)

Red radish (sliced)

Fresh Parsley to garnish

Optional to sprinkle on your salad if you are not vegan: goat cheese or Feta cheese but if you opt for cheese, please grab that packet of parmesan in your supermarket as an alternative.

Parmesan cheese is rich in calcium, Vitamins B12 and B6 and Zinc for winter months.


Once your ingredients are ready, arrange them in a bowl with the leafy greens at the bottom, walnuts, the radishes, Olives, and cheese (if needed) in that order and sprinkle your parsley on top.

For dressing I use a homemade dressing prepared in advance:

fresh lemon squeezed

Red onion – thinly slice                            

Flaxseed oil

Soak the onion slices in the lemon juice to soften them a bit. Once the onion slices have softened, mix the juice with Flaxseed oil and pour on your salad.

Optional: add salt and pepper to your salad dressing

This dish can be an accompaniment to a main meal but if you like salad for lunch I would recommend mixing a can of chickpeas for your protein intake. Please bring in mind if using fresh chickpeas, you will need to boil them 25-30 minutes beforehand.

Finish your meal with a cup of green or peppermint tea to complete the inner Leo cooling process. 

Happy eating.