Lunar Month Astrology

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Gemini Lunar Month – Beginning of a new story

You will most likely receive this column during Balsamic Moon – the last phase of the current lunar cycle. I have always found this phase somehow soothing and comforting. As the Moon wanes into darkness, there is an invitation for us to close our eyes and settle into a deep meditation. This is a time to allow the learnings and experiences of the past cycle to integrate into a seed of wisdom, that we get to plant again into fertile soil during the New Moon in a few days time.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Gemini 30 May (9.30pm AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Virgo 8 June 

Full Moon in Sagittarius 14 June (9.51pm AEST)

Sun moves into Cancer 21 June

Last Quarter Moon in Aries 21 June 

Gemini New Moon  

On the 30th of May, we begin a new lunar month as the Sun and Moon join together in the quick witted and cheeky sign of Gemini. Gemini energy is interesting in the sense that it can take us between two ends of a spectrum in no time. In other words, we may find ourselves deeply engaged in devotional spiritual practice one moment, and the next drooling over a new gorgeous purse! 

Gemini is also the storyteller of the heavens, and so this lunation is a magickal time to read/watch/listen to our favorite stories and soak in the wisdom that is shared by storytelling. This could also be a curious time to re-create some of the stories we tell ourselves, especially with Mercury still in retrograde…  

New moon phase is of course about a new energy, and an opportunity to align our vibe with what we desire to see come alive in our lives. Nurture what you want to cultivate by consciously choosing the activities you engage in and perhaps do something that evokes the desired feelings in you – Grandmother Moon is listening and communicates with us through our hearts.

A practice suggestion for the Gemini Lunation:

  • Have fun by writing a short story about You. Allow your heart to guide the process and write a story where all your heart’s desires come true!  

Following the New Moon, the Moon begins to wax and slowly gain more light as it journeys towards fullness. I like to visualize my wishes also gaining more light and clarity alongside the Moon. This is a good time to stay focused on your goals and actively engage in bringing your wishes to life. The First Quarter Moon in Virgo on the 8 June is a potent time to fine tune your plans and take practical steps forward.

Sagittarius Full Moon

This Full Moon illuminates the adventurous and freedom loving sign of Sagittarius. With the buoyant energy of this time, we are invited to acknowledge and celebrate how far we’ve come. Take a moment to look back at the risks and chances you have taken over the months or years, and acknowledge the courage in you, no matter what the outcome.  

With the Sun on the opposite side of the axis, in the communicative Gemini with Mercury (direct now) only a few degrees away, it could be a lovely practice to write down a few new affirmations to champion yourself. Words are an essential part of how we construct our reality as humans, and thus the words we keep telling ourselves have a tremendous power over our experienced reality.   

Full Moon is also a time of release. In the light of the Full Moon, we see more clearly what must be released and let go of, as we align ourselves with our hearts desires. With Neptune in the mix, there is a sense of releasing control, a sense of  surrender, and I find this Full Moon brings up the question: Do I have the courage to surrender?

Here’s a few ideas on how to commune with this gorgeous Full Moon 

  • Make an offering to the Moon by placing a flower in water and expressing your gratitude for the deep feminine wisdom she so generously shares with the world
  • Make an offering to yourself by gifting yourself flowers (or something else you feel suitable) and expressing your acknowledgement and gratitude for your courage and spirit
  • Keep sleep journal – Neptune talks to us in our dreams 
  • Journal or contemplate – here’s a few prompts: Where am I clinging to control? How does the idea of releasing control make me feel? How does courage feel in my body? Could I lean into courage and surrender?  

Slowly after the Full Moon, the energy shifts again as the Waning Moon journeys us through the other side of this lunar cycle. On 21 June, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Aries, possibly dismantling some of our perceived structures, so that they can be reviewed and rebuilt with more holistic understanding during the next cycle.

Until next time,

Siina xx