Lunar Month Astrology

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Cancer Moon Cycle – Return to Home

I see the two luminaries as our access point to the cosmos. By connecting with their visible cycles, we’re able to ground and directly work with the tides and currents of the cosmic energies. Lunations make the bigger transits more approachable. It’s like breaking down a huge project into bite size pieces to avoid overwhelm, and to move into the desired direction. The Sun and the Moon are like our cosmic parents, lovingly guiding us one lunation at a time. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Cancer 29 June (12.52pm AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Libra 7 July

Full Moon in Capricorn 14 July (4.37am AEST)

Last Quarter Moon in Aries 20 July  

Sun moves to Leo 23 July

Cancer New Moon:

In a few days’ time the Sun and Moon embrace each other in the homey sign of Cancer and begin a cycle where the focus is on the axis of home and work / private and public / belonging and becoming. This New Moon is a wonderful time to explore what ‘home’ really means to us, and how we relate to the world outside of the safety of our home. 

This New Moon creates a tight square with Jupiter in Aries, challenging us to stay rooted and present as we’re ushered forward into new adventures. Jupiter being connected to our higher mind and expansion, and Aries being the ‘ride or die’ type of the zodiac, this lunation has the potential to accelerate something in your life – perhaps a shift or change you’ve been experiencing for a while will be ushered into culmination point as we approach the Full Moon in a few weeks time.  

As mentioned above, lunations offer us grounding and support as we navigate the bigger shifts in our lives (i.e. outer planet transits etc.) and so this New Moon invites us to contemplate how we can ‘connect back home to ourselves’ when faced with challenging shifts. Do you have techniques and practices to help you return to your center, your ‘home’, during tumultuous weather? 

Both the sign of Cancer, and the Moon are connected to our roots – they tell the story of where we come from. This is a beautiful time to connect with our ancestors for guidance, and pay our respect to those who walked this earth before us with simple gestures of gratitude.  

Practice Suggestion for Cancer New Moon:

  • Allow your breath to guide you home: Sit or lie down so that you’re comfortable. Connect with your breathing. Allow your breath to drop down into your belly. Notice how your belly gently rises and falls with each breath. Rest your mind gently on the even pace of your breath, as if it was resting on the waves of the ocean. Allow the breath to guide your awareness deeper into your body, into your ‘home’.

Capricorn Full Moon:

The Moon in Capricorn desires honesty and respect. With Pluto, the ruler of the underworld in close proximity to the Moon, this Full Moon asks us to bring our focus to what is left in the dark. All the planets are within 180 degrees in our skies – illuminating one hemisphere of our charts, asking the question; how do we integrate what is left in the dark? It feels like the alchemy of this Full Moon lies in just that; in facing with honesty and respect the parts of ourselves that are not yet in the light.

The Sun in the opposite axis, in Cancer, is spending time with Mercury, highlighting the importance of acute awareness and clear communication. Acute awareness of what is happening around us, and how our interpretation of it may reflect our internal circumstances. Clear communication with self and others, again with honesty and respect, is an essential ingredient in navigating the torrents of energetic shifts that this Full Moon might bring about. 

With the upcoming Uranus and North Node conjunction (30 July), a powerful portal for change, this Full Moon feels like an important opportunity to clear away and release emotional patterns that no longer serve us so that we can course correct and “choose change before change chooses us”. 

A few ideas to ride the wave of this potent Full Moon: 

  • Write a letter to a part of you that you have kept hidden, a shadow part, and lovingly, with no judgment, acknowledge its presence
  • Allow the shadow part to respond to the letter – it may have some insights to share
  • Take a cleansing epsom salt bath and allow the water to drain away any stagnant energy that you are ready to release
  • Do some decluttering on an area that you would like to invite change into; be it home, your online presence or weekly schedules and to do lists
  • Do some tantric shaking. I found a great little instructional video here! 

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx