
Leo Moon Cycle 29 July 2022

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Heart Wide Open

The more deeply I align myself with the natural cycles of the cosmos, the more blessed I feel that I have discovered a way of life that keeps inviting me back into my center. Living in tune with the cosmos is a very personal practice and looks different for everyone. My hope is that this column inspires you to find your own way to honor and align with the cosmic energies. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I believe that simple gestures are often the most powerful way to cultivate a grounded connection to the cosmos and the natural cycles around us. So, as always, trust your intuition and do what feels right to you. Welcome to the Lunar Month Astrology – a column about the Sun and the Moon. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Leo 29 July (3.54am AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio 5 August

Full Moon 12 August (11.35am AEST)

Last Quarter Moon in Taurus 19 August

Sun moves to 23 August Virgo

Leo New Moon:

Giddy excitement was my first instinct as I took the first look at the Leo New Moon chart. How curious, I thought, as I wasn’t sure why I felt it. As I dived deeper into the energies in the chart, I started to feel a strong invitation to step up and show up with joy. There is so much cosmic magic in store for this cycle, and it challenges us to open our hearts for the possibilities.  

Leo being Leo that loves the limelight, I want to take a moment to reflect on this gorgeous, raw and openhearted energy and welcome it with open arms. Leo, being a fire sign, this cycle is conducive for transformation through the fire of passion and bravery. Leo is a warm, bold and passionate sign, and rules the heart and upper back. Thus activities that connect you to your heart space are wonderful during this cycle – I will add a practice suggestion below.  

As we welcome the glow of Leo New Moon, we also begin to feel the energy of the Uranus North Node conjunction in Taurus, which takes place on the 31st. North Node is connected to our ‘dharma’, or in other words, our purpose in this lifetime and talks about what we are here to learn and master. Uranus on the other hand is the awakener of the skies; the god of thunder that shakes and wakes us up. Together this pair might just awaken us to our purpose. 

With all the above in mind, I feel we are truly invited by the cosmos to open our hearts and be receptive to the messages of the universe this month, and bravely step up on the path that may be revealed as the month goes on. On the other hand, watching out for your energy levels (and making sure to embrace the leisurely side of Leo) is also very important during Leo season to avoid burning out. Especially with Jupiter in Aries creating a trine to our New Moon, the “flames” could get out of hand if we don’t pay attention. So to make the most of this buoyant energy, it’s best to actively “manage the fire” by making sure you get enough rest and stay cool.

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Balance the buoyant energy of this cycle by scheduling in some delicious leisure time with no agenda other than being joyfully lazy.  
  • If you are familiar with flower remedies, try Vervain as it correlates with Leo energy and assists in assimilating the higher energies of the sign.
  • Breathe into your heartspace: Find a comfy seat where you can relax your spine. Place your hands softly on your heart. Connect with your breath and allow it to find its natural rhythm. Visualize your heartspace expanding with each inhale, and softening with each exhale.  

Aquarius Full Moon:

On the 12th of August, Sun and Moon align for our annual Full Moon in Aquarius. In the bohemian and community minded sign, this Full Moon illuminates visions and inventions that may have been hibernating in the dark for a long time, and reveal how they sit in the large scale of things. 

Only hours before the Full Moon, Venus will move from Cancer into Leo changing the way this divine energy translates into our world. Venus being receptive in nature, her magic lies in the power of attraction. In Leo, Venus’ energy may manifest as grand gestures and a strong attraction. So while grand in nature, it’s good to remember that Venus in Leo is still receptive and forcing something will not get her far. Inviting and allowing something to come, however, is how we can best work with this magnetic energy.     

Another important part in the constellation of the Full Moon is Saturn (in retrograde), which sits 3° degrees away from the Moon. Stability and structure are some of the key words of Saturn. In the expansive realm of Aquarius however the Saturnian energy may feel somewhat challenging and even restrictive. I feel the alchemy here can be found when we lean into the lessons of the retrograding Saturn: return to the foundations, re-align with your truth and take responsibility where necessary in order to expand. 

To bring this all together, it feels this Full Moon could reveal the next big thing in the story that is unfolding along the Uranus North node conjunction. As we keep aligning and re-aligning with our purpose, the vision will emerge and we will attract what we need. 

A few ideas to work with this bohemian Full Moon:

  • Share ideas and visions with a friend, or privately in your journal. Have fun and allow them to come and go and know that the ones that are meant to stick will stick. 
  • If you are currently feeling stuck in an area of your life, take this opportunity to air the situation out. Move away from it, and focus your energy on something that gives you a sense of expansion. This may just give you the change in perspective that will help you resolve the situation and re-align with your purpose. 
  • Reflect where in your life you might be forcing something. Remind yourself of the lessons of Venus, and look for opportunities to loosen the grip and soften into trust. 

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here.

Thank you for being here.

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx