Frequently asked questions
Have a question for us?
Take a look at the list below as we’ve provided the answers to our most commonly asked questions.
Why should I join the IEHA?
Because you are passionate about energy work and so are we! The IEHA is a growing community of dedicated individuals and businesses who understand the importance of energy work and wish to connect to a global community.
Does the IEHA understand Energetic Healing?
Yes we do! We are also practitioners of Energy Healing and fully appreciate the value of energy work to the planet.
Is the IEHA a modality specific association?
NO! We cover 1,000+ modalities and are working with members to include more.
Does IEHA provide insurance?
No, we don’t, but our partners at Arthur J. Gallagher and Insurance House offer appropriate levels of insurance to our members.
Can you update my member profile?
We don’t update member’s profiles because once you are a member you will be able to do it yourself with your own personal log-in and password, thus giving our members ownership of their profile.
How can I get an upcoming event posted on the website calendar?
It is easy! FIRST… you need to be a member and SECOND… you can do it through your membership log-in and profile.
How do I find out when my membership is up?
Membership is annual, you will receive reminders via the email that you give us a month prior. You can also see it on your membership profile via the Members Portal.
Why do we need CPE (which stands for Continuing Purposeful Enrichment)?
CPE not only ensures the highest level of professionalism, quality of treatments and knowledge, but also encourages our members to nurture themselves and to take time to reflect and restore.
What is accepted level of training?
Everyone is unique and so are our paths to healing and then becoming a practitioner. If not sure, please contact us using the bellow form with your specific questions.