
Scorpio Moon Cycle 25 October 2022

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Feel it to Heal it

Guided by the Sun we descend into the depths of Socrpio season. The Sun also leads us to a month of eclipses, first a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio and then Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus. This is a powerful month to connect with the rhythm of the two luminaries and weave some lunar magick into your life. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Scorpio 25 Oct 9.48pm (AEDT)

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius 1 Nov 5.37pm (AEDT)

Full Moon in Taurus 8 Nov 10.01pm (AEDT)

Last Quarter Moon in Leo 17 Nov 12.26pm (AEDT)

Scorpio New Moon:

On the 25th of October, the Moon joins the Sun in the realm of Scorpio for the New Moon and partial Solar Eclipse. Known for her unwavering presence and brutal honesty, Scorpio invites us to go deep, lean into the discomfort and ‘feel it to heal it’. 

This cycle carries forward a theme from the past cycle, with the goddess of love Venus in tight conjunction with the New Moon. Venus in Scorpio speaks about deep, soul-level connection and unwavering love that binds us to others. Venus in Scorpio is not about the fluff that looks pretty on the surface, but the nitty gritty that creates the story of two or more souls that walk together in this life.

I feel like this New Moon and Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to honor the connections that run deep, also the connection to ourselves. To invite healing to these often intricate relationships and offer love and acceptance where it may be needed. 

As we move into this new cycle, it’s good to keep in mind that Eclipses tend to bring about big energies that can easily sweep us off our feet. Solar Eclipse being a particularly fruitful time to energetically welcome new beginnings, and Lunar Eclipse a time of culmination and conclusion…  As you navigate this powerful Lunar Cycle, please remember to ground, ground, ground!

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Plug your bare feet into Mama Earth – grounding is gold during this powerful cycle
  • Take it easy – eclipse energy can be powerful for us mere mortals and keeping your days as free as possible can be super supportive as we surf these cosmic tides
  • Try Chicory flower essence to help integrate the deep and mystical energy of Scorpio

Taurus Full Moon:

We began this month with a powerful New Moon energy, with an Eclipse and promise of healing and change. As we ebb and flow with the waxing Moon towards the culmination point and Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, the energy will all but settle down with the unpredictable Uranus in a tight conjunction with our earthy Taurus Moon. 

Uranus promises sudden and unpredictable change, as often is the case with Eclipses. Tuning deeply with the calm and grounding Taurus energy during this time will be magic. Finding solace in simple tasks of cooking nourishing meals, attending to your garden or house plants and taking some time to make you physically as comfortable as possible will be supportive; grounding deeper into your physical body with each breath as you go about your day. 

Now that we are prepared to welcome this wild and powerful Lunar Eclipse, I’d like to talk about another major aspect – a North Node conjunction with the Full Moon. North Node is a point in our charts that give us clues to our dharma, or our purpose in this lifetime. Coupled with this intriguing energy this Full Moon could give us yet another nudge from the Universe to keep re-aligning with our Soul’s purpose. If you are familiar with your Natal Chart, spending some time contemplating your Natal North Node could be helpful.  

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here.

Thank you for being here.

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx