Scorpio Roast Vegetables (Scorpio Lunar Cycle)

Welcome to this month recipe. Scorpio is a water sign therefore root vegetables to anchor this Zodiac sign is beneficial.

When you think of roast vegetables, the first vegetable that comes to mind is potatoes. Nothing beats roast potatoes with Rosemary and olive oil. In my case I have had to say goodbye to starchy vegetables recently.

When I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What was supposed to be a beautiful time was devastating for me. I was afraid, I felt like I did not take care of my body and I also felt shame for having diabetes. I did the glucose and blood test twice within the space of two weeks because I was in denial.

I was followed by the obstetrician and an endocrinologist throughout my pregnancy. It was a very scary first trimester, but I got through it. Fast track 8 years later, my yearly glucose/blood test came back 6.  The doctor said to me that I am pre-diabetic.

Exercise is not an issue, but dieting is. I have a sweet tooth. I love food, I love cooking, baking, a glass of sparkly. The last 4 years despite my best efforts my results has been 6. I am blessed I have a good GP that lets me treat it naturally, by eating the right food instead of putting me on tablets straightaway.

Recently I went for my blood test and my results came back an astounding 6.8. I have been travelling for the better part of this year and hotel food does not help.

So now it is critical that I watch what I eat. If I still return the same results in 3 months’ time, I will have to take tablets. I will do everything I can to avoid this so that means cooking more healthy food, reducing starch, carbs, and processed sugar.

Last weekend I made an almond cake with coconut sugar, (a low Gi glycemic Index sugar) and I only put ¼ of the sugar. The recipe required 1 cup of sugar.  I also roasted vegetables that can lower my blood sugar and I had to make this recipe without potatoes. This is a change in lifestyle for me and it will be very difficult with the Christmas season coming.

For this recipe, please add potatoes when you make yours.


Rosemary – florets

Paprika (optional)

Chilli oil (optional)

Sesame seeds

All spice or Chinese 5 spices

Garlic – crushed

Red onion – chunks


Sweet potato




Capsicum (optional for a bit of colour)


Slice all your vegetables, the smaller the size the quicker it will roast. To save time I bought vegetables that was already cut. Coles and Woollies now sells packets of vegetables ready to cook.

Warm oven to 170 degrees

Place baking paper or foil on your tray and spray with canola oil.

Sautee your vegetables in garlic and oil for a few minutes. Let the vegetables soften a bit and soak in the garlic.

Place sauteed vegetables on the tray and sprinkle paprika or chilli oil, 5 spices and Rosemary florets then drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper on the vegetables.

Roast in oven until vegetables are soft. I usually use a fork to check.

Remember each oven temperature is different. I cook mine at 170 degrees then I lowered it to 100 degrees for the last 10 minutes of cooking.

Finish your meal with Dandelion tea as the Scorpio rules the bowel and detoxification processes.

Dandelion tea may help the liver filter harmful chemicals but always check with your doctor before taking it. Dandelion tea is not recommended for pregnant mums and breastfeeding mums or people with allergies to plants in the daisy families.

Happy Cooking
