Libra Stew (Libra Lunar cycle)

Libra is an air sign, and it is all about balance. Mental, body and hormones. Food rich in alkaline and food to nourish the nerves.

The recipe I have chosen today is one I grew up with, a Creole recipe we call “fricassee de legumes” (French for vegetable stew).  I have chosen okra and red onion since both vegetables have an alkaline content. Okra is a good source of folate and packed with nutrients.

Okra has this sticky, gluey texture when you eat it but, if you know how to prepare and cook it, it can be a delicious meal in a salad, sauteed or stew.

Growing up we would cook a fricassee with okra and bitter melon but both vegetables are acquired taste so I will skip the bitter melon in this recipe. If you like bitter melon add it to this dish instead of the green beans. Bitter melon is said to balance insulin in the body.

If you don’t want to use okra and bitter melon for this recipe you can swap with any potatoes or root vegetables that are rich in alkaline. We also use carrots, pumpkins and sweet potato and peas in a fricassee so feel free to substitute the okra, bitter melon or beans with these vegetables and follow the same recipe.

If you decide to cook this recipe with potatoes or any root vegetables swap the parsley with thyme as it gives a beautiful smell when cooked with root vegetables.

Use fresh herbs as much as you can with this recipe.



Bitter melon or substitute with green beans

1 Red onion

1 tomato or 1 tablespoon of Tomato paste (I did not include Tomato in my cooking due to digestive issues)


½ teaspoon or either safran, turmeric or cumin (whichever you have in your kitchen).  I use a tiny bit of everything.

Fresh parsley

Fresh coriander to decorate

Baby peas

Olive oil, vegetable oil or canola oil (I use canola)

Pepper and salt


Wash all your vegetables thoroughly before cooking.

Firstly, if you are cooking with bitter melon, cut in half and remove the seeds and flesh inside with a teaspoon. Thinly slice the skin. You can throw the flesh and seeds away as we don’t use them in a fricassee.

If using green beans, make sure you take the string out of the sides and cut in half. Then steam a little bit to soften.

Slice your okra approximately 1 to 2 mm.

For both the okra and green bean, throw away the extremities since they are hard in texture and will take a long time to cook.

Slice your red onion.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in your pan and cook the onion for 5 minutes on low heat.

Once the onion is softened, add the tomato paste, garlic, other spices and a little bit of parsley. Stir constantly then add the okra with half a glass of water.

Add the green beans or Bitter melon and some baby peas.  Keep stirring until until the okra does not look sticky anymore.

Serve hot with brown rice or quinoa.

Finish your meal with a cup of green tea.

White cup of green tea with fresh tea leaves on wooden table, hot drink concept

As with everything, feel free to bring your own twist to this Creole recipe.

Happy eating.
