‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Attending to the little things

Virgo Lunar Cycle – Attending to the little things

And so the story unravels… With this upcoming lunar cycle, we have yet another opportunity to tune in and trust the magic of the universe. To me, astrology and working with the Moon has never been about floating up into the cosmos, but rather becoming even more grounded and present to our world and lives here on earth –  and finding the magic in the mundane, little things in life. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Virgo 27 Aug (6.17pm AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius 4 Sept

Full Moon in Pisces 10 Sept (7.59pm AEST)

Last Quarter Moon Gemini 18 Sept

Sun moves to Libra 23 Sept

Virgo New Moon:

On the 27 of August we welcome the gorgeous energy of Virgo New Moon. Often attributed for being highly critical, I find Virgo energy as one of the more gentle and generous ones of the zodiac. Motivated by selfless service and impeccable attention to detail, Virgo energy is humble yet confident. Encouraging us to take a good look at our lives, Virgo New Moon invites us to make the refinements needed to live more aligned with what is important to us. Virgo reminds us that by attending to the little things we color in the lives we lead.

With a tight square to Mars, the planet of action, there may be a strong urge to act and achieve things during this cycle. However we’re also navigating the effects of a bunch of retrograding planets during this lunar cycle; Only a few days prior to the New Moon, Uranus joins Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron in the backward motion. Retrogrades invite us to slow down and even backtrack a little – I like to imagine the retrograding planets are asking us: are you sure you didn’t miss anything? This is our opportunity to make things right.

The activation of Mars coupled with a bunch of retrogrades may bring up feelings of frustration as things may not be moving along as we had hoped. The way to harness the energy of this lunar cycle would be to be mindful of how we direct the energy that Mars may instigate in us – rather than forcing our way forward, it might be better to spend some time reflecting and refining what is already present in our lives. 

Self-care suggestions for the Virgo Moon Cycle:

  • To balance and integrate Virgo energy try Centaury flower essence
  • Make time to tick off a few items of your to-do list this month as this can feel extra therapeutic during a Virgo season
  • Try this nourishing Virgo themed soup by an IEHA practitioner Corinne
  • Seek quiet time to meditate and reflect as this will serve you well during the retrogrades

Pisces Full Moon:

Take out your fairy wands as this Pisces Full Moon is a magical one! Under this otherworldly Full Moon we may just go through a metamorphosis (like a caterpillar to a butterfly) emerging into a fuller, more aligned version of ourselves. As a part of an astrological aspect pattern called ‘kite’, we are working with flowy yet transformational energy.

Kite, as an astrological pattern, is a mysterious one as it contains a number of different aspects. While many of the aspects in question are considered harmonious, they may manifest somewhat unconsciously in our lives. Coupled with the alluring energy of Pisces Full Moon, visibility may be somewhat foggy during this time and we may simply need to close our eyes and trust our intuition. 

While the aspects may be somewhat loose, they are undismissable: On one side of this Full Moon we have North Node/Uranus in Taurus weaving in the story of the recent conjunction of the two – I wrote about it in my last column here. On the other side we have Pluto in Capricorn, lending its deep and true energy to this transformational Full Moon.

To weave this all together, you may like to ask yourself: what themes did the recent North Node/Uranus conjunction (31st July) bring up in your life, and what must be released now for the transformation to take place?

So, the best thing to do under this mystical Full Moon would be to stop trying to analyze the alchemy of this time, and simply allow the magic to unfold.

A few ideas for a mystical Pisces Full Moon Ritual:

  • Create an altar or a sacred space in your home to ground, tune in and honor the ethereal Piscean energy 
  • Pull an oracle card for guidance
  • Journaling can be a wonderful way to connect with the unconscious – use the question above as a prompt: ‘What themes did the recent North Node/Uranus conjunction (31st July) bring up in your life, and what must be released now for the transformation to take place?’

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your personal birth chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here.

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx