Entries by Corinne Dosoruth

Scorpio Roast Vegetables (Scorpio Lunar Cycle)

Welcome to this month recipe. Scorpio is a water sign therefore root vegetables to anchor this Zodiac sign is beneficial. When you think of roast vegetables, the first vegetable that comes to mind is potatoes. Nothing beats roast potatoes with Rosemary and olive oil. In my case I have had to say goodbye to starchy […]

Libra Stew (Libra Lunar cycle)

Libra is an air sign, and it is all about balance. Mental, body and hormones. Food rich in alkaline and food to nourish the nerves. The recipe I have chosen today is one I grew up with, a Creole recipe we call “fricassee de legumes” (French for vegetable stew).  I have chosen okra and red […]

Virgo soup (Virgo lunar cycle)

Virgo is an earth moon sign. This recipe is to help with digestion and liver health. Ingredients Yellow squash (remove seeds) Pumpkin Carrots Sweet potatoes Any cruciferous vegetables are good for the liver so you can add cauliflower to your soup. But I would leave broccoli or cabbage for a vegetable stew rather than a […]

Leo Salad (for Leo Lunar cycle) 

Leo is a fire sign. My recipe today is to cool our inner Leo. I have chosen an Olive and Walnut salad (olive can be good for the health of the ovaries to tie with lunar cycle and Walnut can be good for the brain (Fire signs need food to nourish the brain). Ingredients: Olives […]