As Above, So below: A monthly guide to consciously align your focus so you can flow with the changing energies of the planets

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Accessing Higher Wisdom

With this Sagittarius season comes the invitation to look beyond what ‘appears to be’, and connect with the intuitive, universal wisdom. With a lovely mix of planets and energies at play, this cycle provides us with an opportunity to gain deeper understanding of questions we may have been puzzling with, and thus a greater contentment in where we are at on our journey.

This is also my ‘goodbye for now’ as the IEHA enters a quieter season of rest and restoration, and I await the soon approaching birth of my baby. I look forward to returning to my astrology practice next year. 

For now, I hope this final column for the year will help you ground and align your energies with the cosmos as we approach the ‘silly season’. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Sagittarius 24 November at 9.57am (AEDT)

First Quarter Moon in Pisces 1 December at 1.38am (AEDT) 

Full Moon in Gemini 8 December at 3.08pm (AEDT) 

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo 16 December at 7.59pm (AEDT)

Sagittarius New Moon:

On November 24th, the Moon joins the Sun in 1 degree Sagittarius for the buoyant and benevolent Sagittarius New Moon – a lovely shift in energy after the deep and intense Scorpio season. Sagittarius energy invites us to be spontaneous and have a bit of fun to ease the intensity of the past cycle. With a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in Pisces, this cycle promises joyful expansion through strengthening our connection to the mystical and the unseen, thus providing us with a rare opportunity to receive powerful ’downloads’ and wisdom from the universe.

In this New Moon constellation, we also have Venus and Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius, creating an aspect to the ‘wounded healer’ of our skies; Chiron. Paired with the subtle and empathetic Piscean energy (Jupiter), this cycle will offer a wonderful platform for healing through soulful conversations and sharing with others – they key being in always leading with an open heart.      

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Arrange soulful low-key time with close friends and loved ones 
  • Spend time journaling your thoughts and insights to paper especially around the upcoming Full Moon – Gemini energy loves the written word
  • Try Agrimony flower essence to integrate and balance the Sagittarius energy 
  • This cycle is a wonderful one to attend a yoga/healing/creative workshop or short course to expand your awareness

Gemini Full Moon:

This Full Moon in the bubbly and flirtatious sign of Gemini has an edge to it with the fiery Mars in tight embrace with the Moon. Think fast and passionate attraction, strong emotional responses and rash words spoken in the heat of a conversation. Finding a healthy way to express your Natal Mars would be really helpful during this Full Moon to direct the volatile energy in a constructive way. Depending on the placement of your Natal Mars, vigorous physical activity, passionate loving and/or doing something to get the adrenaline pumping could all be great options. 

On the other hand, we also have a conversation between Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Pisces diffusing some of the sparks of this Full Moon. Venus in Sagittarius is just and optimistic while Jupiter in Pisces envelops us in faith for a better future, thus making this Full Moon a fertile ground for breakthroughs in terms of how to move forward – or in other words – what to release so that we can move ahead with our grand vision for the future. 

While I have closed my astrology appointments for now, I’m forever creating and painting as the inspiration strikes and will be sharing my work on my website so please, don’t be a stranger!

Wishing you all a lovely and peaceful rest of the year, and I look forward to connecting again in 2023!

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

With love,

Siina xx  

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Feel it to Heal it

Guided by the Sun we descend into the depths of Socrpio season. The Sun also leads us to a month of eclipses, first a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio and then Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus. This is a powerful month to connect with the rhythm of the two luminaries and weave some lunar magick into your life. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Scorpio 25 Oct 9.48pm (AEDT)

First Quarter Moon in Aquarius 1 Nov 5.37pm (AEDT)

Full Moon in Taurus 8 Nov 10.01pm (AEDT)

Last Quarter Moon in Leo 17 Nov 12.26pm (AEDT)

Scorpio New Moon:

On the 25th of October, the Moon joins the Sun in the realm of Scorpio for the New Moon and partial Solar Eclipse. Known for her unwavering presence and brutal honesty, Scorpio invites us to go deep, lean into the discomfort and ‘feel it to heal it’. 

This cycle carries forward a theme from the past cycle, with the goddess of love Venus in tight conjunction with the New Moon. Venus in Scorpio speaks about deep, soul-level connection and unwavering love that binds us to others. Venus in Scorpio is not about the fluff that looks pretty on the surface, but the nitty gritty that creates the story of two or more souls that walk together in this life.

I feel like this New Moon and Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to honor the connections that run deep, also the connection to ourselves. To invite healing to these often intricate relationships and offer love and acceptance where it may be needed. 

As we move into this new cycle, it’s good to keep in mind that Eclipses tend to bring about big energies that can easily sweep us off our feet. Solar Eclipse being a particularly fruitful time to energetically welcome new beginnings, and Lunar Eclipse a time of culmination and conclusion…  As you navigate this powerful Lunar Cycle, please remember to ground, ground, ground!

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Plug your bare feet into Mama Earth – grounding is gold during this powerful cycle
  • Take it easy – eclipse energy can be powerful for us mere mortals and keeping your days as free as possible can be super supportive as we surf these cosmic tides
  • Try Chicory flower essence to help integrate the deep and mystical energy of Scorpio

Taurus Full Moon:

We began this month with a powerful New Moon energy, with an Eclipse and promise of healing and change. As we ebb and flow with the waxing Moon towards the culmination point and Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, the energy will all but settle down with the unpredictable Uranus in a tight conjunction with our earthy Taurus Moon. 

Uranus promises sudden and unpredictable change, as often is the case with Eclipses. Tuning deeply with the calm and grounding Taurus energy during this time will be magic. Finding solace in simple tasks of cooking nourishing meals, attending to your garden or house plants and taking some time to make you physically as comfortable as possible will be supportive; grounding deeper into your physical body with each breath as you go about your day. 

Now that we are prepared to welcome this wild and powerful Lunar Eclipse, I’d like to talk about another major aspect – a North Node conjunction with the Full Moon. North Node is a point in our charts that give us clues to our dharma, or our purpose in this lifetime. Coupled with this intriguing energy this Full Moon could give us yet another nudge from the Universe to keep re-aligning with our Soul’s purpose. If you are familiar with your Natal Chart, spending some time contemplating your Natal North Node could be helpful.  

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here.

Thank you for being here.

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx  

Libra Lunar Month

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Living Our Values

While still deep in the season of retrogrades, we move into the new Lunar Cycle with an increased light (in the Southern Hemisphere) as we welcomed the Equinox only a few days prior, on Friday the 23rd of September. Equinoxes mark a moment in time when the light and the dark are evenly balanced. Taking place close to the Libra New Moon, this time invites us to seek a sense of personal balance amidst the ever changing tides of the cosmos. I hope the column this ‘moonth’ will assist you in your search (along with the Libra energy) for peace and harmony. Welcome to the column about the Sun and the Moon.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Libra 26 September (7.54am AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Capricorn 3 October 

Full Moon in Aries 10 October (6.54am AEST)

Last Quarter Moon in Cancer 18 October

Sun moves to Scorpio 23 October

Libra New Moon:

The seventh sign of the Zodiac, Libra energy speaks about how we relate with the world around us. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and harmony, Libra season highlights the experience of the important relationships in our lives, what we find attractive and how we commune with our environment. This cycle invites us to ponder on these themes in our lives and make adjustments where necessary to ensure our life reflects what we truly value.

One of the sacred invitations of Libra season is to reconnect with our values. To become clear of what they are, and reflect on how (and if at all) our daily lives are aligned with our values. This is an empowering practice and has the power to highlight some of the ‘blind spots’ we may have around our daily existence. May the waxing Moon over the next two weeks light up what needs to be revealed to us now on our quest to a more harmonious existence in this world.

Venus herself is floating through the sign of Virgo, making contact with retrograde Mercury a day after the New Moon. As retrogrades pull our focus inwards, this cycle would be a beautiful time to contemplate on the most important relationship of your life, the relationship you have with yourself. How do you value this essential relationship and how does it reflect on your relationship with the rest of the world? 

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Write down your top 7 values, and take a moment to contemplate on how they are reflected in your life
  • Try Scleranthus of the Bach Flower Essences to balance and integrate the Libra energy
  • Prepare a nourishing Libra themed meal following this delicious recipe by Corinne, one of the IEHA practitioners

Aries Full Moon:

The fiery October Full Moon in Aries is here to stir any stagnant energy up and will challenge us to face any internal conflicts we may have been avoiding – Aries is all about facing challenges head on. The Moon symbolizes heart and soul, and Aries being direct and transparent, we may all feel like we’re wearing our hearts on our sleeve during this time. 

And indeed, this Full Moon may come with a sense of heading into a battle with no armor, leaving us feeling somewhat exposed and vulnerable. Chiron, ‘the wounded healer’, only two degrees away from the Full Moon, illuminates a tender spot in our psyche; an opportunity for healing, possibly around our identity (Aries theme). This may feel uncomfortable and we may find ourselves externalizing this ‘battle’, seeking for conflicts around us. The best thing we can do, however, is to allow the light of the Full Moon to guide us inward to a more soulful quest for peace. 

On the opposite axis we have the Sun in the peace seeking Libra, creating a grand trine with Mars, the ruler of this Full Moon, and Saturn. Grand trine is considered a harmonious aspect pattern, tying each energy together in a supportive manner. Here we have the Libra Sun radiating love and peace, Mars passionately negotiating the dualities of life in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius building foundations for a new world. With the fierce Aries’ drive forward, fused with the energy of this harmonious Grand Trine, this Full Moon could be the culmination point in our quest to more peaceful existence in this world… At least on a personal level, however, isn’t that where the change always begins? 

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your personal birth chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx  

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Heart Wide Open

The more deeply I align myself with the natural cycles of the cosmos, the more blessed I feel that I have discovered a way of life that keeps inviting me back into my center. Living in tune with the cosmos is a very personal practice and looks different for everyone. My hope is that this column inspires you to find your own way to honor and align with the cosmic energies. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I believe that simple gestures are often the most powerful way to cultivate a grounded connection to the cosmos and the natural cycles around us. So, as always, trust your intuition and do what feels right to you. Welcome to the Lunar Month Astrology – a column about the Sun and the Moon. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Leo 29 July (3.54am AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio 5 August

Full Moon 12 August (11.35am AEST)

Last Quarter Moon in Taurus 19 August

Sun moves to 23 August Virgo

Leo New Moon:

Giddy excitement was my first instinct as I took the first look at the Leo New Moon chart. How curious, I thought, as I wasn’t sure why I felt it. As I dived deeper into the energies in the chart, I started to feel a strong invitation to step up and show up with joy. There is so much cosmic magic in store for this cycle, and it challenges us to open our hearts for the possibilities.  

Leo being Leo that loves the limelight, I want to take a moment to reflect on this gorgeous, raw and openhearted energy and welcome it with open arms. Leo, being a fire sign, this cycle is conducive for transformation through the fire of passion and bravery. Leo is a warm, bold and passionate sign, and rules the heart and upper back. Thus activities that connect you to your heart space are wonderful during this cycle – I will add a practice suggestion below.  

As we welcome the glow of Leo New Moon, we also begin to feel the energy of the Uranus North Node conjunction in Taurus, which takes place on the 31st. North Node is connected to our ‘dharma’, or in other words, our purpose in this lifetime and talks about what we are here to learn and master. Uranus on the other hand is the awakener of the skies; the god of thunder that shakes and wakes us up. Together this pair might just awaken us to our purpose. 

With all the above in mind, I feel we are truly invited by the cosmos to open our hearts and be receptive to the messages of the universe this month, and bravely step up on the path that may be revealed as the month goes on. On the other hand, watching out for your energy levels (and making sure to embrace the leisurely side of Leo) is also very important during Leo season to avoid burning out. Especially with Jupiter in Aries creating a trine to our New Moon, the “flames” could get out of hand if we don’t pay attention. So to make the most of this buoyant energy, it’s best to actively “manage the fire” by making sure you get enough rest and stay cool.

Self-care suggestions for this Moon Cycle:

  • Balance the buoyant energy of this cycle by scheduling in some delicious leisure time with no agenda other than being joyfully lazy.  
  • If you are familiar with flower remedies, try Vervain as it correlates with Leo energy and assists in assimilating the higher energies of the sign.
  • Breathe into your heartspace: Find a comfy seat where you can relax your spine. Place your hands softly on your heart. Connect with your breath and allow it to find its natural rhythm. Visualize your heartspace expanding with each inhale, and softening with each exhale.  

Aquarius Full Moon:

On the 12th of August, Sun and Moon align for our annual Full Moon in Aquarius. In the bohemian and community minded sign, this Full Moon illuminates visions and inventions that may have been hibernating in the dark for a long time, and reveal how they sit in the large scale of things. 

Only hours before the Full Moon, Venus will move from Cancer into Leo changing the way this divine energy translates into our world. Venus being receptive in nature, her magic lies in the power of attraction. In Leo, Venus’ energy may manifest as grand gestures and a strong attraction. So while grand in nature, it’s good to remember that Venus in Leo is still receptive and forcing something will not get her far. Inviting and allowing something to come, however, is how we can best work with this magnetic energy.     

Another important part in the constellation of the Full Moon is Saturn (in retrograde), which sits 3° degrees away from the Moon. Stability and structure are some of the key words of Saturn. In the expansive realm of Aquarius however the Saturnian energy may feel somewhat challenging and even restrictive. I feel the alchemy here can be found when we lean into the lessons of the retrograding Saturn: return to the foundations, re-align with your truth and take responsibility where necessary in order to expand. 

To bring this all together, it feels this Full Moon could reveal the next big thing in the story that is unfolding along the Uranus North node conjunction. As we keep aligning and re-aligning with our purpose, the vision will emerge and we will attract what we need. 

A few ideas to work with this bohemian Full Moon:

  • Share ideas and visions with a friend, or privately in your journal. Have fun and allow them to come and go and know that the ones that are meant to stick will stick. 
  • If you are currently feeling stuck in an area of your life, take this opportunity to air the situation out. Move away from it, and focus your energy on something that gives you a sense of expansion. This may just give you the change in perspective that will help you resolve the situation and re-align with your purpose. 
  • Reflect where in your life you might be forcing something. Remind yourself of the lessons of Venus, and look for opportunities to loosen the grip and soften into trust. 

If you are curious how a particular lunation plays out in your chart, I offer Lunation Consultations where we’ll explore what is activated in your unique birth chart and how you might best work with the energies. It would be my honor to be your guide to the mysteries of astrology. You can explore my consultation types and book a session here.

Thank you for being here.

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx  

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Cancer Moon Cycle – Return to Home

I see the two luminaries as our access point to the cosmos. By connecting with their visible cycles, we’re able to ground and directly work with the tides and currents of the cosmic energies. Lunations make the bigger transits more approachable. It’s like breaking down a huge project into bite size pieces to avoid overwhelm, and to move into the desired direction. The Sun and the Moon are like our cosmic parents, lovingly guiding us one lunation at a time. 

Dates to note:

New Moon in Cancer 29 June (12.52pm AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Libra 7 July

Full Moon in Capricorn 14 July (4.37am AEST)

Last Quarter Moon in Aries 20 July  

Sun moves to Leo 23 July

Cancer New Moon:

In a few days’ time the Sun and Moon embrace each other in the homey sign of Cancer and begin a cycle where the focus is on the axis of home and work / private and public / belonging and becoming. This New Moon is a wonderful time to explore what ‘home’ really means to us, and how we relate to the world outside of the safety of our home. 

This New Moon creates a tight square with Jupiter in Aries, challenging us to stay rooted and present as we’re ushered forward into new adventures. Jupiter being connected to our higher mind and expansion, and Aries being the ‘ride or die’ type of the zodiac, this lunation has the potential to accelerate something in your life – perhaps a shift or change you’ve been experiencing for a while will be ushered into culmination point as we approach the Full Moon in a few weeks time.  

As mentioned above, lunations offer us grounding and support as we navigate the bigger shifts in our lives (i.e. outer planet transits etc.) and so this New Moon invites us to contemplate how we can ‘connect back home to ourselves’ when faced with challenging shifts. Do you have techniques and practices to help you return to your center, your ‘home’, during tumultuous weather? 

Both the sign of Cancer, and the Moon are connected to our roots – they tell the story of where we come from. This is a beautiful time to connect with our ancestors for guidance, and pay our respect to those who walked this earth before us with simple gestures of gratitude.  

Practice Suggestion for Cancer New Moon:

  • Allow your breath to guide you home: Sit or lie down so that you’re comfortable. Connect with your breathing. Allow your breath to drop down into your belly. Notice how your belly gently rises and falls with each breath. Rest your mind gently on the even pace of your breath, as if it was resting on the waves of the ocean. Allow the breath to guide your awareness deeper into your body, into your ‘home’.

Capricorn Full Moon:

The Moon in Capricorn desires honesty and respect. With Pluto, the ruler of the underworld in close proximity to the Moon, this Full Moon asks us to bring our focus to what is left in the dark. All the planets are within 180 degrees in our skies – illuminating one hemisphere of our charts, asking the question; how do we integrate what is left in the dark? It feels like the alchemy of this Full Moon lies in just that; in facing with honesty and respect the parts of ourselves that are not yet in the light.

The Sun in the opposite axis, in Cancer, is spending time with Mercury, highlighting the importance of acute awareness and clear communication. Acute awareness of what is happening around us, and how our interpretation of it may reflect our internal circumstances. Clear communication with self and others, again with honesty and respect, is an essential ingredient in navigating the torrents of energetic shifts that this Full Moon might bring about. 

With the upcoming Uranus and North Node conjunction (30 July), a powerful portal for change, this Full Moon feels like an important opportunity to clear away and release emotional patterns that no longer serve us so that we can course correct and “choose change before change chooses us”. 

A few ideas to ride the wave of this potent Full Moon: 

  • Write a letter to a part of you that you have kept hidden, a shadow part, and lovingly, with no judgment, acknowledge its presence
  • Allow the shadow part to respond to the letter – it may have some insights to share
  • Take a cleansing epsom salt bath and allow the water to drain away any stagnant energy that you are ready to release
  • Do some decluttering on an area that you would like to invite change into; be it home, your online presence or weekly schedules and to do lists
  • Do some tantric shaking. I found a great little instructional video here! 

With gratitude to our cosmic guides,

Until next time,

Siina xx  

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

Gemini Lunar Month – Beginning of a new story

You will most likely receive this column during Balsamic Moon – the last phase of the current lunar cycle. I have always found this phase somehow soothing and comforting. As the Moon wanes into darkness, there is an invitation for us to close our eyes and settle into a deep meditation. This is a time to allow the learnings and experiences of the past cycle to integrate into a seed of wisdom, that we get to plant again into fertile soil during the New Moon in a few days time.

Dates to note:

New Moon in Gemini 30 May (9.30pm AEST)

First Quarter Moon in Virgo 8 June 

Full Moon in Sagittarius 14 June (9.51pm AEST)

Sun moves into Cancer 21 June

Last Quarter Moon in Aries 21 June 

Gemini New Moon  

On the 30th of May, we begin a new lunar month as the Sun and Moon join together in the quick witted and cheeky sign of Gemini. Gemini energy is interesting in the sense that it can take us between two ends of a spectrum in no time. In other words, we may find ourselves deeply engaged in devotional spiritual practice one moment, and the next drooling over a new gorgeous purse! 

Gemini is also the storyteller of the heavens, and so this lunation is a magickal time to read/watch/listen to our favorite stories and soak in the wisdom that is shared by storytelling. This could also be a curious time to re-create some of the stories we tell ourselves, especially with Mercury still in retrograde…  

New moon phase is of course about a new energy, and an opportunity to align our vibe with what we desire to see come alive in our lives. Nurture what you want to cultivate by consciously choosing the activities you engage in and perhaps do something that evokes the desired feelings in you – Grandmother Moon is listening and communicates with us through our hearts.

A practice suggestion for the Gemini Lunation:

  • Have fun by writing a short story about You. Allow your heart to guide the process and write a story where all your heart’s desires come true!  

Following the New Moon, the Moon begins to wax and slowly gain more light as it journeys towards fullness. I like to visualize my wishes also gaining more light and clarity alongside the Moon. This is a good time to stay focused on your goals and actively engage in bringing your wishes to life. The First Quarter Moon in Virgo on the 8 June is a potent time to fine tune your plans and take practical steps forward.

Sagittarius Full Moon

This Full Moon illuminates the adventurous and freedom loving sign of Sagittarius. With the buoyant energy of this time, we are invited to acknowledge and celebrate how far we’ve come. Take a moment to look back at the risks and chances you have taken over the months or years, and acknowledge the courage in you, no matter what the outcome.  

With the Sun on the opposite side of the axis, in the communicative Gemini with Mercury (direct now) only a few degrees away, it could be a lovely practice to write down a few new affirmations to champion yourself. Words are an essential part of how we construct our reality as humans, and thus the words we keep telling ourselves have a tremendous power over our experienced reality.   

Full Moon is also a time of release. In the light of the Full Moon, we see more clearly what must be released and let go of, as we align ourselves with our hearts desires. With Neptune in the mix, there is a sense of releasing control, a sense of  surrender, and I find this Full Moon brings up the question: Do I have the courage to surrender?

Here’s a few ideas on how to commune with this gorgeous Full Moon 

  • Make an offering to the Moon by placing a flower in water and expressing your gratitude for the deep feminine wisdom she so generously shares with the world
  • Make an offering to yourself by gifting yourself flowers (or something else you feel suitable) and expressing your acknowledgement and gratitude for your courage and spirit
  • Keep sleep journal – Neptune talks to us in our dreams 
  • Journal or contemplate – here’s a few prompts: Where am I clinging to control? How does the idea of releasing control make me feel? How does courage feel in my body? Could I lean into courage and surrender?  

Slowly after the Full Moon, the energy shifts again as the Waning Moon journeys us through the other side of this lunar cycle. On 21 June, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Aries, possibly dismantling some of our perceived structures, so that they can be reviewed and rebuilt with more holistic understanding during the next cycle.

Until next time,

Siina xx

under the moon we do magick

‘A column about the Sun and the Moon.’ 

The Alchemist Moon

With a powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse around the corner, I’m feeling excited to write, and share with you my first Lunar Month Column for the IEHA community. While there are many astrological events that fit into a lunar month, I believe the best way to cultivate a connection with our skies is to keep it simple. Working with the two luminaries that we can easily track with our bare eyes, and tuning in to their sacred dance, is where I believe this practice begins. 

This particular column I write in the middle of a lunar month, and so my focus will be on the rest of this cycle and the powerful Lunar Eclipse in a few days time! Next column will follow in time for the New Moon in Gemini and the beginning of the new lunar month. 

Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse 

In the midst of a season of change we come to a culmination point as the Sun and Moon align for the Scorpio Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse on the 16th of May. As the nature around us welcomes the next phase in the natural yearly cycle, we are invited to do the same; to embrace the change and gently let go of what no longer serves.. 

Dates to note:

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse: 16 May (2.13pm AEST)

Sun enters Gemini: 22 May

Last Quarter Moon in Pisces: 22 May

As I’m feeling into this Scorpio Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse, the word alchemy comes to mind, and so I will call this Full Moon ‘The Alchemist Moon’. How suitable is the Oxford Languages definition of the word: ‘A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination’ 

Scorpio Moon is about deep healing and transformation on an emotional level. As the Earth’s shadow eclipses the Moon, we might feel stirrings in the depths of our being, and receive messages from places within that we have long since buried. The eclipses have the reputation of bringing with them change, and this one particularly may bring about deep foundational shifts in how we perceive things. 

It can also be useful to bear in mind that with the Moon representing the inner child, this culmination may bring up old stories from our childhood to the surface, and with it, an opportunity to heal. This is a good time to do inner child work and send love and healing to the younger version of you. 

On the opposite axis, North Node is only three degrees away from the Sun in the earthy sign of Taurus, encouraging us to balance the watery depths of Scorpio by connecting with the physical world around us through our five senses. And this is where the alchemy takes place – trusting for the shifts to happen, conscious or unconscious, while staying present and deeply rooted in the physical world. 

It can be helpful to take a moment to contemplate – what are the things that allow your mind to grow quiet and invite your spirit back into your body? Be sure to make time for those things during this phase. 

Here are a few suggestions on how to nurture yourself during this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

  • Be gentle with yourself – emotions can run high during this time
  • Journal – allow the nudges of your unconscious pour out on paper
  • Do something physical that you enjoy – release pent up energy while connecting with your body
  • Spend time in nature – always a good idea and especially supporting during an eclipse
  • Rest – essential during big energetic shifts  
  • Moon gaze and send love and understanding to your inner child
  • Dance under the Moon – allow the nature be the music  
  • Depending where you are in the world, watch the eclipse – I like to check the astronomical details here

After the intensity of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, the energy begins to slowly turn inwards with the waning moon. There will be a notable shift in the cosmic energy on 22 May, as the Sun enters the playful sign of Gemini, kicking off the Gemini season. Gemini is the messenger and this energy is about assimilating new information and sharing new ideas, and of course having a blast while doing it! Last quarter Moon, also on the 22nd of May, in the dreamy realm of Pisces invites us to take a deep breath and surrender to the flow, as we settle into the last phase of the cycle.

Until next time,

Siina xx